Sunday, May 6, 2012

Come on ride the train and ride woot woot

 Rachel and I trying to blend in with the 20 year olds.... And Joie and I trying to figure out exactly who was gay in the opening band act, we decided all of them...

Mamma had a night out to see my friends band Loyal Sally play!! Nini and JimPaw watched Memphis and had a packed night of visiting with MawMaw & PawPaw, yogurt sampling at YogurtLand, train @ Firewheel mall and his first bean burrito at Taco Casa (My Fave!!!) And he got to go to the park this morning with them!! When we picked him up we were hungry so we all went to Ozonas in Dallas to eat on the patio and have Sangria's. Best ever. If you ever are in the Dallas greenville ave area eat there, get a sangria swirl and the potato wheel appetizer. Holy hell it was wonderful!!!!! It was a change to go see a band that didnt consist of me playing for 3 hours worn out, so it was a nice change . But staying out till 2am , kicked my butt!!! We had some friends come meet us out and we all got to experiences a fruit loop and milk shot. Weird it totally tasted like fruit loops..... Of course i didn't shoot mine but did tried a sip. I'm happy to play sober sister anywhere we go!! I always get made fun of for drinking iced tea at bars but i don't mind. 

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