Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lunch date with Mr. Cart and Jennifer

Today had a great lunch and shopping date with my BFF from 7th grade Jennifer and her son Carter, or as i call him Mr. Cart. We were maid of honor in each others wedding and our parents lived and still live a street apart from one another. My funniest memory is when she ran out of gas on Centerville and she was so scared to call her mom and dad, in fear of being lectured on the importance of getting gas when the light comes on right away, and so we walked into neighborhoods looking for houses that looked like non rapists lived there. So the house we picked had a woman about 35 who lived there and had her elderly dad visitng her. She gave us a lecture on how dangerous going to peoples houses were before her dad drove us 1/2 a mile to fill up a gas can. Everytime i pass that house on Duck Creek i think of that night and how we couldve walked 10 minutes to get gas but nooooooooo " this house looks murderer free". The funny thing is the blog below features Kristen who also grew up down the street from my parents and we still keep in touch. It's nice to have friends that have known you for 16 years and choose to still be around. I cant wait for playdates with Carter , Elvis, and Memphis. Love you girls!!!!!


  1. Awe... I miss Jenn. And Carter is freaking adorable! Tell her I said I! We all need to get together!

  2. I'll do a BBQ soon and maybe all you guys can come!! Let me know when you guys are free on a saturday
